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Backpack Leather with Linear Design on Dark Blue Fabric (Mochila Lineal Sobre tela azul oscuro)


Backpack Leather with Linear Design on Dark Blue Fabric (Mochila Lineal Sobre tela azul oscuro)

WhatsApp Image 2024-12-14 at 10.16.19 PM.jpeg
Color café oscuro mochilas.jpeg
Color negro mochilas.jpeg
Color Henna Mochilas.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2024-12-14 at 10.16.19 PM.jpeg
Color café oscuro mochilas.jpeg
Color negro mochilas.jpeg
Color Henna Mochilas.jpeg

Backpack Leather with Linear Design on Dark Blue Fabric (Mochila Lineal Sobre tela azul oscuro)


Add a touch of color and originality to your personal style with this Backpack inspired by Fernando LLort’s art.

Handmade with high quality materials this will be a great add to your accessories.

Materials: Leather and canvas. In 3 different colors of leather.

Dimensions: 30 × 25 × 12 cm

*Since all these products are handmade, the production time is from 10 to 12 days plus shipping times depending on the country of destination.

*The design on the canvas may vary slightly from the one shown in the picture.

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