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El Arbol de Dios

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El Arbol de Dios is an institution founded in 1981 by the artist Fernando LLort. Its main purpose is to project the art from El Salvador with professionalism and high quality standards.

We are manufacturers of different type of handicrafts: ceramic, wood, textile, leather; serigraphs, prints, engravings, all of them made with the designs of Fernando LLort.

On our premises we have a Handicrafts Store and a Gallery with Fernando LLort’s paintings, lithographs, serigraphs, canvas and engravings.

We’ve been exporting to different countries since the beginning of the business, mainly to the USA, Europe and Australia.

Everything started with the dream of Fernando LLort in the little town of “La Palma”. His designs are so well recognized around the globe, that they have become the image of our country El Salvador.

It is “El Arbol de Dios” responsibility now to always innovate and keep on spreading this beautiful art to all the world.


Opening Times              

Monday to Saturday 9 am - 5 pm

Sunday 10 am - 3 pm


t: (503)2263 9206

whatsapp: (503)7755 5487

address: 7a Calle pte, y Pje N1 #35 91/93 Av. Norte, Col. Escalón. San Salvador. El Salvador