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Magic happened at San Salvador's Cathedral...


A place to tell you a bit more about Fernando LLort, his amazing legacy and everything surrounding his art…

Magic happened at San Salvador's Cathedral...

Fernando LLort

Fernando's biggest and most significant work was created, destroyed and then recreated.

In 1996 the catholic church in El Salvador asked Fernando Llort to create the facade of San Salvador's Cathedral. After 12 months of hard work, it was unveiled to the world and it was a very unique and original design that reflected perfectly the Salvadoran's identity. It consisted of 2700 handmade ceramic tiles that together formed an incredible mosaic of colour. It was titled "Armonía de mi Pueblo" (Harmony of my people). 

On December the 26th 2011 the catholic church in El Salvador decides to destroy the facade without having a word to the artist at all. Fernando Llort responded with humility and respect and left the matter in the past. 

Even though the artist turned the page, a lot of people felt it was the wrong thing to do and it shouldn't have been destroyed.

The years passed and after many tests and a lot of people involved, on December the 26th 2018, the mosaic was recreated with video mapping. 

It was a way to pay tribute and honour a man that gave a lot to his country, left a legacy that will last forever and inspired thousands of people to work with their hands and create beautiful pieces of art. 

Like the title of the mosaic, even after his passing, Fernando keeps bringing harmony to his people through his art.

If you want more information go to this links:

As always, feel free to write back, if you have any questions or there is something about Fernando LLort that you would like to know more of, please let us know, we love hearing from all of you that appreciate my father's art!

Angel F LLort
(Fernando's youngest son)