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Why are the numbers 7 & 70 so important❓


A place to tell you a bit more about Fernando LLort, his amazing legacy and everything surrounding his art…

Why are the numbers 7 & 70 so important❓

Fernando LLort

Fernando's art is a celebration; a celebration of color, life, light. And very soon we'll celebrate together his amazing legacy.

On the 7th of April 2019, Fernando "will" be turning 70 and we will all have a big celebration. I say "will" because, even though he is not here in his human condition, he will be celebrating with us from heaven and giving us joy through his art.

We have been working hard over the last 4 months to put together a big event that will take part in El Arbol de Dios in San Salvador  on the day of Fernando LLort's birthday. On that day, people will have the opportunity to remember Fernando, see some of his unpublished work and a lot of other surprises that we are sure everyone will love.

For our online followers we'll have big news after the event. So stay tuned and expect to be surprised. 

Fernando's soul is so special, that  after his passing, it seems to have been released and keeps growing and touching more and more people with his joy, color and light...
As always, feel free to write back, if you have any questions or there is something about Fernando LLort that you would like to know more of, please let us know, we love hearing from all of you that appreciate my father's art!

Angel F LLort
(Fernando's youngest son)