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A legacy that will live forever!


A place to tell you a bit more about Fernando LLort, his amazing legacy and everything surrounding his art…

A legacy that will live forever!

Fernando LLort

Fernando didn't go, he lives on through his art.

"The main objective to achieve through my paintings and crafts is to reconnect with my roots as a Latin American man and thereby contribute to defining our people in both human and spiritual dimensions.¨ - Fernando LLort

It's been a really hard month for all of us that lived and experienced so closely the magic of such a wonderful human being. 

But amongst the sadness, we've been surrounded by so much love and admiration for my father that we just want to say an immense THANK YOU!. Thanks to all of YOU that have always believed, appreciated and valued what Fernando LLort created. Thanks because my father believed that art can change lifes and he worked hard to make that thought a reality, and is because of people like you that he was able to do it.

The beautiful thing about what Fernando left us is that it will live on and can be replicated forever. So we are making it our mission to keep his legacy alive and not only share his art but also his philosophy of life and work, and through that keep changing lifes, which is what my father was always most proud of, dignifying people's work through art. 

Angel F LLort
(Fernando's youngest son)