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Fernando, the painter that sang!


A place to tell you a bit more about Fernando LLort, his amazing legacy and everything surrounding his art…

Fernando, the painter that sang!

Fernando LLort

Fernando loved exploring other forms of art, specially music.

"I sing, to those that are like arrows of fire in the invisible.¨ - Fernando LLort

Fernando had a infinite passion for all forms of art, and had a very special connection with music.

He started singing at a very young age and also learned to play the guitar. After school, he was part of the rock band "La Banda del Sol" in El Salvador, which gained a lot of popularity amongst the youth during the 1960's.

He also composed religious music alone and in collaboration with other musicians.

His latest work was called "Blanco Puro" (Pure White) which was recorded at his house in La Palma and it was a duo with Silvio Hernandez, a guitar player and singer from La Palma.

If you're interested in listening some of his music you can go here: 

We hope you've enjoyed knowing a bit more about this fantastic man and his vast legacy.